Thursday, May 13, 2004

Blogger Talk (Post Pages, Comments, and Old Permalinks)

So Blogger has comments. Cool.

But to turn them on you have to turn on Post Pages. Post what?

Post Pages. Well that allows each posting to be its own page with comments on that page (no pop-ups.) OK. But what about old permalinks? Will they be busted?

Well, blogger help is no help on this one. But this from 'Known Issues' doesn't sound promising. "Post Pages publish to year/month/filename, in the same directory as a blog's index file. This location setting isn't configurable."

Hmm, lets be google-ing. Well, I found this and as I suspected, old permalinks are broken. But furthermore, it doesn't sound fixable. From justinsomnia:
i've just republished my entire blog with blogger's new "page per post" feature turned on. click "permalink" in the lower-right to see what i mean.

this is good because now you can link to a single post! but is bad because it changes all my old permalinks--breaking my own links to my posts and anyone else's links to my posts. number of posts with old links to other posts: ~15.

luckily all the old links have the word "archive.html" in them. of course so do links to other people's blogger archives.

fixed. (30 minutes later)

crap. since "page per post" files the individual post pages under directories for the year and the month, all the relative URLs to my images are broken. err.
Not that I'm linked all over the web. But still, it's an issue that Blogger doesn't actually mention.

I'm mulling.

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