Wednesday, October 13, 2004

In the Moment after a Red Sox ALCS Loss

Following the Red Sox is good Zen training, or maybe Jedi training considering their Evil Empire opponent. In time, through the experiences of many games and several crucial losses, I’ve wrested myself from the mortal grip of philosophical fatalism that holds most Sox fans in its thrall and instead float free in the heavens of this simple moment (at least for the moment). There would have been days in the past when a loss such as last night’s would have thrown me into the dugout of despair. But not today. Instead I look to Pedro being Pedro tonight. And I look no further than that. For looking too far into the distance jeopardizes your sights upon today.
Keeping Cool after ALCS Game One

Philosophies are fine in summer
when widespread smiles reflect in pools
tomorrow’s watery horizon.
But come the autumn look to fools
to swim in empty glare instead.
They perceive things are sinking, dead.

The trick is just to walk on water—
or maybe just not look in deep.
So Schilling’s ankle cost last night,
but Pedro’s pitches aren’t that cheap.
Enjoy the color while it’s here
and when it goes, enjoy the clear.
May the force be with you.

Update: see my complete Red Sox ALCS/World Series chapblog here.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


son rivers said...

Thanks both.