Saturday, January 15, 2005

4. Containment

The Reaper approaches: "No character and no action may violate the essence of that character or act. A character must be consistent; an act must logically follow acts preceding it. Even illogical acts must be logically connected."

I know that football is more than illogical. I am not a big fan of the sport. But how can one not follow the New England Patriots these past few years. Watching them play is like watching an intricate Swiss watch click. Of course that watch would have gears that fly down field and a spring that unleashes a football with speed and accuracy while a running lever every now and then plows ahead for another first down. One follows the other. It’s been a busy week at the Foxboro ranch. So this Sunday. Go Pats!

Certainly Red Ryder, like all ranchers, has a full week's work most every week on the Painted Valley Ranch. Yet, with the sniff of spring just around the corner, it's hard for America's Famous Fighting Cowboy not to start roaming -- just a little -- with Buckskin and faithful Little Beaver close by his side. . . Thus, as we join them now, we find them on the trail high above Roaring River, on the bend that sweeps between Sombrero and Sundown .

Wrong intro again. I think. The latest quatrains 12 & 13 of Jules Chauvin, Ferryman in Exile:
Calvin had laced a small canoe for Anne,
his wife, from birch bark, rawhide, cedar, and
the cucumber magnolia flowering
in spring. They picnicked on the tributaries

of Saint-Maurice that May. But she desired
to see the great falls at Shawinigan
despite the twenty-seven miles of blue
demanding paddling up the river, north.

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