Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Bouts-rimés Redux

Via Shanna Compton, from Court Green, an ecounter with bouts-rimés.
As Ron Padgett says in his Handbook of Poetic Forms, "A bouts-rimés poem is created by one person's making up a list of rhymed words and giving it to another person, who in turn writes the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given."
So I guess I had to give it a try too:
Song of Myself Redux

I carry on as if each day was June.
Nothing concerns me all that greatly. Stress
is just some force in nature, like the moon
enticing tides with gravity. Why obsess
about whose grass is greener, where’s that snake,
or how worms procreate? The world is moot
when nothing matters. It’s a piece of cake
I tell you. Look at myself. What a beaut
and what a piece of work I am. Like Garbo,
I’m mystery in motion. I’m the play—
the world is all my stage. I’ll act the hobo
who hops a different freight train every day,
who yields a diamond from some old rhinestone,
who makes this dump smell sweet with cheap cologne.

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