I have been doing some research on disaster relief for tsunami victims. My wish was to support a grass roots effort, yet be certain that it was honest and efficient. I also wanted to personalize it as much as one can half a world away. In that effort, I have contributed to the Sarvodaya organization, a Buddhist relief agency in Sri Lanka, a country devastated by the tsunami.
In doing the web research I came across this letter from Sir Arthur Clarke (of 2001 A Space Odyssey fame) who has lived in Sri Lanka the past fifty years. Of them he suggests: “considering supporting Sarvodaya, the largest development charity in Sri Lanka, which has a 45-year track record in reaching out and helping the poorest of the poor. Sarvodaya has mounted a well organised, countrywide relief effort using their countrywide network of offices and volunteers who work in all parts of the country, well above ethnic and other divisions.”
There is further information here and here.
You can contribute through Sarvodaya USA with a PayPal contribution. On their site, they state “Unless you designate otherwise, all donations for Tsunami relief will be forwarded to the Sarvodaya account in Sri Lanka. No U.S. administrative fees will be taken from your donation.” Also, for those who care about such things: "Contributions to Sarvodaya USA, a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, are fully tax deductible according to the IRS regulations."
Again, please consider contributing to Sarvodaya (tax-free) through PayPal here.
Having passed Candlemas / Imbolc, we are now in spring by the old calendar.
The yin energies in Nature have begun their decline, and the yang energies
— th...
2 weeks ago
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