Thursday, March 10, 2005

On Boston and Bentwood

My aunt was actually rocking on a Boston Rocker I think. It could have been a rocker like the one Jack Kennedy used. But not a Bentwood. But a Bentwood is so much more intriguing.
Clairvoyancing July 20, 1963

(stanza one omitted)

aurora formed around the lunar specter
come aground. And then Samara stops.
Startled by this unexpected pause
I turn from my science pursuits; the filter drops.
I watch Samara put her hand to her mouth
and look to something she espies in the south.

Whooping like the Indians I’d seen
on Saturday exclusive matinee
performances of westerns filmed in black
and white with Randolph Scott or Joel McCrea,
she recognizes her native spirit guide
coming through the colorless countryside.
When my aunt began whooping, my mother ran and locked herself in the bathroom, leaving my cousin and myself, five and six respectively, alone to witness her transformation and subsequent instructions.

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