Friday, April 08, 2005

Looking at Silence

Thurs AM Deer Island

Easily perambulated the park on this island. It can’t be more than 25000 square yards in area. But since the river has been high as of late, it’s difficult to walk to the very eastern shore, yet I maneuvered my way through the mud to stand on a log and watch the Merrimack flowing past Eagle Island towards the hush of morning sun.

In the winter eagles are often spotted here, and in numbers. But not usually at this time of year. Instead I see a duck, some seagulls, and hear the trill of a red-wing. Unfortunately the sound that dominates is that of cars traveling over the metal grating of the Essex-Merrimack Bridge.

It’s difficult to find silence around here. If it’s not bridge traffic, then there’s the constant roar of I95 or I495, or a combination of the both. This land is at the crossroads of Interstates, but nowhere near the center of peace and quiet. And so I look at a lot and listen only for the little.

Time is short; it’s time for work. The duck quacks and flies away as I splash heavy off the log.

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