Friday, June 24, 2005

An Apocalyptic Brew

I've had a bit of stomach troubles as of late and haven't been able to entertain the grape. Beer, though, interestingly enough, seems to be medicinal. And Guiness Draught (indeed a "brilliant" light beer), interestingly enough, has been my Father John's Medicine (only certain Merrimack Valley residents of a particular age would know of what I speak).

But I've discovered a beer that's as close to a wine as you can comfortably get, or should I say, as I can comfortably get: La Fin Du Monde. It's brewed in Quebec, and it's a triple-fermented Belgian-styled delight weighing in at 9% alcohol. But more importantly, it's taste, is, well, the end of the world.

It pours a cloudy (yeast in bottle) golden ambrosial hue with a healthy foam-white head. It's a smooth, surprisingly light texture, with a honey-like malt flavor tinged with an almost whiskey-like fringe.

This stuff is really very good. Those Canucks have done it again. Je me souviens! Unless I drink these irresponsibly.

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