Monday, October 31, 2005

O Chocorua

O Chocorua,
guardian of the mountain
world and Baptist
of my daughter, rock
incessant peak
and calendar-prolific
profile, mythic
origin and hiking boot,

hear my plea.
Protect this earth
from one god, most
unnatural and myopic
robot, some invention
of the Holy Roman
Empire and its bishop,
rook, or pawn of Peter,

Paul, and not a Mary
there among them.
Bring your thunder
from the west and brew
dark coffee. Pour
your northern dreams.
Arising from the east
comes visionary

sugar, and the south,
O the south,
I hear the many
legions of that legend
far beneath our equinox
preparing cake
and melting emperors
into ice cream.

~Son Rivers 2005

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