Wednesday, November 29, 2006

WIAO; Phase 14: In the Dunes, Two

So like I said, before I waned philosophically, I took a walk in the dunes. Now before rambling further on, I should say this was a legal walk, not one trespassing on National Wildlife Refuge land, but one passing through open state-owned property where a perambulator can witness something resembling the state of nature before the European arrival.

And one can for a moment commune with the indigenous. That I’ve done quite often in that spot. So I always enter with a prayer: to the land and to those that once cared for it. And I always see something.

Signs. I’ve touched on this territory before about a week ago and someone commented that we are “so many layers of seekers looking for signs that give significance to one's life.” Maybe. Or maybe we are so much life giving back significance to signs that have always been there, seeking us. Same coin; different face.

I saw a snowy owl fly straight by me in the dunes last winter, no more than twenty feet away directly in front of me. Great and white. It stopped me in my trail, thinking at first it was a great white hawk. Amazed and stunned. Hawks had been following me around last winter. I mean I saw one in Harvard Square for crying out loud. And I did. Cry out loud! This time I was silenced.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Greg, Owls are such fascinating birds. In the spirit of your latest post about the Indian reservation: - When the barn owl nests in cavities in trees where the mycelia of armellaria mellia are present it creates luminosity in their feathers. Indians called them spirit birds (Maybe it was 'ghost' bird.) Imagine. If you are receptive to signs - this would be a rather powerful one.