Friday, May 02, 2008

Last Thoughts and Mystical Los Alamos
Yen for the Universe

The universe is more than 13 billion years old and more than 93 billion light years across. And you think that science or psychology has some answer? Just let that sink in again: the universe is more than 13 billion years old and more than 93 billion light years across. And you think that your 80 years on this single planet will be summed up by your career or family or who has the most toys when they die? One more time for good measure: the universe is more than 13 billion years old and more than 93 billion light years across. Your life, then, in other words, is infinitesimal.

Or so you believe.

But that’s because you really haven’t given the fact that the universe is more than 13 billion years old and more than 93 billion light years across any thought. You really do believe the opposite. Your universe is maybe 20 to 80 years old and 2500 square feet across. Or at most, several thousand years old and 7900 miles across. And you’re so clever and classless and free.

Or so you think.

And therein lies the whole problem in a nutshell. You think. You think you know. But really you only think your thoughts. Thinking is one thing. And knowing is something completely different. Thinking is 2500 square feet. Knowing is 93 billion light years. You can think the size of a house. And career. Even family. But you cannot think the universe. You have no capacity to think 13 billion years old and 93 billion light years across. You can only know it. And you’ve completely lost the art of knowing because you only know the art of thinking.

Stop thinking for a moment.

And that’s how you begin to know. Stop thinking. And in that silence comes the knowing. Stop thinking those thoughts that say 2500 square feet and 80 years old. Thoughts that turn to planning how to get that 2500 square feet. How to keep that 2500 square feet. How to earn enough money for not only that 2500 square feet, but also that 80 years old, and especially those last years called retirement. Stop thinking the scope of your thoughts. And when you stop thinking, you will begin to know 13 billion years and 93 billion light years across.

You will know the unknowable.

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