Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Westering 06: Basin and Range
Low Thoughts, High Thoughts, Nevada Thoughts

They call it the Loneliest Road in America: US 50 through Nevada. But it’s not the solitude that’s just superlative but the awesome isolation. It’s just you, your car, and hundreds of miles of sage brush desert, interrupted every now and then by a mountain range of sparsely populated pinon pines.

Every forty miles or so, you’ll see a car or truck coming at you from the opposite direction. And depending on your speed, and mine is relatively slow in order to breathe the sage-filled desert air through open windows and an open sun roof, a motorcycle may pass you by. If you stop, turn off the engine, and walk outside, you’ll see and hear a lot of nothing.

Then there’s a possibility of panic. Your mind will start creating dire situations ending in a coronary flat line. Next you’ll fight those thoughts with better thoughts and higher thoughts and maybe even sacred thoughts. But soon again, you’ll find your self right back within the desolation of that basin.

The secret rests within the desert atmosphere itself; just think no thoughts.

~Son Rivers 2008

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