Saturday, August 23, 2008

Westering 10: The Course of Events at Grandview
A Declaration from an Island in the Sky in Canyonlands

At the midpoint of my trip, I come to Grandview Point. Here, at the western edge of Island in the Sky, the great mesa in Canyonlands National Park, it seems you can see forever. Mountains, canyons, buttes and mesas fill the panorama with that Utah colorful phenomena of landscape shapes and shadow. And somewhere out there the rivers, Green and Colorado, come together in a celebrated confluence.

It all begins to come together in my heart and soul as well. Here, the knowledge that the universe is just a single field of energy becomes something more than mere belief. I feel it in my blood. And I see it in the distance too, not just the perfect metaphor, but actuality itself.

It’s raining there. And from here I see the rain as more than showers, more than cloud precipitation, more than puddles in the sandstone. That cloud, this air, its rain, our earth is one totality of power, one vast entity together, one synergistic system, synchronistic and intelligent, just one.

And that’s more than just an observation; its visibility has made this whole invisible creation Self-evident again.

~Son Rivers 2008

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