Monday, April 26, 2004

Boston Comment Question One

I've been reading the Boston Comment roundtable discussion on the avant garde. I think Kent Johnson, of all the participants, addresses each question with clarity and with some effort to communicate. This particular passage in response to the initial question concerning the existence of an American avant garde cuts through much of the posturing.
Language poetry, along with its various second-generation satellite formations, now stands as an experimentalist, but respectful and loyal, opposition within the Parliament of Academic poetry. The “post-avant” is the mode that ambitious young MFA'ers study; it is the creative writing “style” scores of publishers are seeking; it is the aesthetic pedigree rising numbers of awards are prizing; it is the criticism and theory that prestigious university presses are publishing; it is the “subversive poetics” the current President of the Modern Language Association has made her reputation promoting.
Call it what you want but don't try to dress it in some cool 'alternative' beret and cape. Alternative's gone mainstream too.

Question Two tomorrow.

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