Saturday, September 03, 2005

My Rant

It’s an horrific mirror image. In the eighth month of George W. Bush’s first term, on the eleventh of September, terrorism struck this country and all hell broke loose. And at the end of August 2005, also in the eight month of his second term this time, all hell has broken loose again. But whereas in 2001, W was able to hide behind the flag and war, this time, the emperor is truly naked. And he called himself out. Yes, our response is unacceptable. Homeland Security has been revealed for the empty shell that it is. No wonder. His vendetta in Iraq has sucked all the dollars that way, while his tax cuts for his cohorts and enablers has robbed the Treasury blind. Don’t buy the hype. The story isn’t looting. It’s human suffering, as it always is and always will be. But on a macro level, it’s our inability to protect and care for citizens in a crisis. The genie is out of the bottle finally and let’s pray the pendulum will finally swing the other way. Excuse my mixed metaphors but I'm really sick and tired of the lies of this administration. They lied about their knowledge of terrorism before 9-11. They lied about their reasons for war in Iraq. And they're trying to lie their way past New Orleans. Not this time! Impeach the Bastards! To quote the great Sinclair Lewis, it could happen here. It already has in New Orleans.

PS Does it strike anyone else a little bit coincidental that our soon to be should have been impeached President waited until Friday to view the destruction of Katrina, juat as images of the Natioanl Guard finally ariving on the scene filled the airwaves and broadband. Can you say Karl Rove? May he burn in Dante's deepest circle.


mtnman said...

he said "don't buy gas unless you need it" what a jack ass

son rivers said...

true leadership!!! gas shortage? There's no gas shortage if you don't buy any gas! arghhhh!

Herself said...

it all seems so impossible

j. said...

having heard bush saying he's gonna keep praying for the people, i'm wondering when the clean water and food is gonna get there... not a good crisis solution is the ol' prayer.

Anonymous said...

Here, here. You summarized almost errily the bones I have pick with the emperor: the fogging over of the DowningStreetMemo scandal, the lies about Iraq and weapons, the vendetta politic of the war, the padding of "buddies" in the oil business. Make me wretch.